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Hospital Na Homolce ranked 1st

HealthCare Institute o.p.s., in cooperation with expert partners - AUDIT ONE s.r.o. and CRIF - Czech Credit Bureau, a. s., conducted a unique evaluation of Czech hospitals based on their financial health in areas where it can affect patient satisfaction.

109 hospitals were assessed as part of the evaluation of the financial health of all hospitals in the Czech Republic, and Na Homolce Hospital was ranked 1st!
Financial health is assessed by having sufficient funds to pay its liabilities, paying its liabilities in a reasonable time, not being over-indebted, financing fixed assets from long-term sources, investing in its assets and adequately remunerating its staff.

"I'm really pleased, it's the result of our five years of work and feedback to us that we are moving in the right direction and doing our job well. In 2018, the year I joined as director, we were ranked 38th and we have steadily risen in the rankings to 1st place. I thank all my colleagues for their cooperation, it is the result of the work of all of us", said the Director of the Hospital Na Homolce MUDr. Petr Polouček, MBA.